Hello everynyan !
Jesuis du texted
First blogpost owo
I’m still obsessed with this anime (; ̄д ̄)
So, back when the first season came out, I got really into it !! I looked past the more unsavory part, you know, the whole « patient is in love with her doctor ». I mean, she’s 12 and he’s the only person who cares about her. Like, it’s not unrealistic, even tho it make mes a bit (⇀_⇀)
The animation is beauiful and the plot makes you wanna watch more, but from what I’ve heard in the manga, it’s gonna get a bit uhmmmm incesty ??
So, I didn’t want to watch s2 because I don’t know how far we would get in the plot. But… I loved it ! I think it’s good if we can recognize some of the media we watch/like is not great in all aspect, propagates problematic tropes or viewpoints, etc !
I just wanna watch more now !! What can I watch next ??
My visit to the museum
Today, I went to the Comtemporary and Modern Art Museum. On a random Wednesday. The weather’s nice this week, so I need to get out a bit ! Also, I’ve been wanting to go again. I feel like I’ve not been using my time wisely. Because I’m looking for work, it feels like I’m not allowed to do fun stuff out, you know ? But you really can’t job search 24/7.
To be fair, I already limit myself to week days.
There was an exhibit about transformative artworks. A couple of Yoko Ono stuff, even. Art is cool.
I feel like there’s this idea that modern art is BS, especially transformative/performance art.
2 things imo :
Some artists are taking the piss a bit… There is such a thing as « come on now, you really think this is art ? »
BUT ! At the same, if transofrmative art is art, and art is meant to trigger an emotional response, then, it’s doing its job, isn’t it ?
Anyway, there were a lot of older prints, manuals and the like, art installations. It was much fun !
Tbh, I also really liked that there were very few people. The roomes were so big, it’s a nice feeling for me, to be in a bit, open room, alone.